Sklearn Priors

03 Jan 2019

The plan in this short note is to briefly consider how we might go about extending the GaussianProcessRegressor class in the sci-kit learn module to easy allow us to perform Gaussian process regression while specifying a prior.

First it is worth demonstrating that it is relatively simple to construct an example of a Gaussian process for which the maximum likelihood value of the kernel hyperparameter collapses to an uninteresting degerate limit

Kernel with Prior

First step is to

Extending the GaussianProcessRegressor

class GaussianProcessRegress(

    def log_marginal_likelihood(self, theta=None, eval_gradient=None):
        if hasattr(self.kernel, 'theta_prior'):

	    if eval_gradient:
	        ll, ll_grad = super().log_marginal_likelihood()
		lp, lp_grad = prior.logpdf(theta, eval_gradient=True)
		return ll + lp, ll_grad + lp_grad

	        ll = super().log_marginal_likelihood()
		lp = prior.logpdf(theta)
		return ll + lp
	    return super().log_marginal_likelihood(theta, eval_gradient)